Tuesday 24 January 2012

Settled in his usual roosts

Ozwold has settled back in his usual haunts at Banc d'Arguin in Mauritania.

January 14th to 19th locations

Image from Google Earth of Ozwold's fishing area; 


Rutland Osprey Team

Members of the Rutland Osprey Project team are currently in Gambia to establish links with people and schools in West Africa and also to look for colour ringed ospreys. To read an account of their fascinating trip follow the link below. 


Sunday 15 January 2012

Exploring Mauritania

100 kms flight north and back

January 7th

At 1pm on 7th January he was flying north over the sea and headed 100 kms over the bay to two islands in an inlet on north side of Banc d'Arguin.

January 9th
He flew NW to the coast north of Cap Ste Anne. At 4pm was heading back south to roost that night on the coast near Cap Arzaze.

January 10th
He crossed the bay to the coast south of Arkeiss (Bedouin settlement) and at 10am was perched near Iwik, the HQ of the National Park. At 3pm he was back in his original location and roosted that night back in familiar haunts.

It's good to see he is still safe and building up a mental map of the area. He must have established some good fishing spots by now.

Flight north and back